Ciara Lewis

After my abuse it took me awhile to find myself again. For the longest I hated to even look in the mirror at myself, because I no longer recognized the woman staring back at me. The only thing that saved me and helped revive me was my daughter who was 2 at the time. I started to pour all my time and energy into her and told myself I wanted to be a better person and mom for her. I wanted to give her the best life possible and be there for her as often as I could. A year or so later I met back up with a man from my childhood who changed my life forever. Although he is no longer with us rest his soul, he allowed me to see the other part of me that was missing and scarred. He allowed me to see that I could be loved and cared for and that not all men are the same. He showed me it was ok to take my barrier down and to stop hiding. I started to realize what I really wanted to do in life, and I started to set goals. I finished college and I started working in the medical field starting out as a Medical Assistant and worked my way into Medical Coding/ Billing.
I started to be able to see myself and love myself again. I was able to look in the mirror at myself and see the woman who I was supposed to be and the woman that I am today. I went on to open my business KLConsulting LLC, a Medical Billing and Credentialing Business in 2019. I reconnected with a special friend of mine from years ago and having him back in my life helped me realize even more that it’s ok to be me and not feel like I still must hide or be something that I’m not. He brings out the best in me and has supported me along my journey the last several years. I moved my mom and daughter to central KY so my daughter could have more options and a better opportunity than the area we were in. My daughter is now 16, getting ready to be 17, driving, working 2 jobs and graduating in December of this year. She is the happiest she has been in a while and I'm so glad to be able to say I got to watch her grow and be a part of the woman that she is growing into. I have now been in business for almost 4 years now and in the process of expanding. Sometimes trauma can make us stronger and help us find our true selves. It can push us to limits that we didn't know we had and make us a better person. I can say it helps to have the right people in your life and always at the right time. I believe everything happens for a reason and that people are put in your life for a purpose.
I know the people that were put in my life during this time are exactly what saved me and helped me find myself again. I can’t be more thankful than I am today for having them and for overcoming my situation. Being able to look in the mirror, feel good about myself, being a part of my daughter’s life and owning a business helps me to know that I defeated the trauma, and it didn’t defeat me. I was able to still find the light through all the dark and I hope others can see that they can too. Website: | Instagram: @klconsultingllc
Facebook: @ KL Consulting, LLC | LinkedIn: Ciara Lewis