by Jessica Summers
Why is it that one of the best things for us is the hardest to attain? It’s the very thing we are all seeking in our own individual way, yet we self sabotage ourselves all the way to the end, or close to it. “What is it anyway?” And what must be known, the reason we can’t attain it in the first place is because we already posses it. It is us and our true nature. The problem is the human, and our human ego stands in the way with “what we know” and that is the battle of all battles. Everything that we think we know. We have to let that go in order to move forward.
Think of it as a line being drawn in the sand, standing with one foot in the past on one side of the line, along with our ego and all we have done leading up to now. The other is a step into the future and higher self and limitless potential. Fear, however the gate keeper with mixed messages that keep us second guessing and questioning.
We do have the answers if we would just listen to the whispers instead of the screaming, yelling and the chaos that we have become accustomed to listening to.
I understand how hard the journey to letting go is because in order to do so you have to believe in yourself and your own worth. If you’ve never had any worth in self and aren’t quite aware it can be a difficult place to find yourself. How can you trust and believe in something that you don’t trust and believe in? That is the journey in itself. The journey to love, trust and believe in yourself. But how does one go about doing it. It’s more about allowing and not doing. So, to begin with we have to surrender, let go of trying to figure it out. If we could figure it out with our intellect we would . That’s were our ego and what we know get in our way, again.
It’s been drilled into most of us on how important it is to be smart, get good grades, do, achieve, succeed and the list goes on. How are we to stop doing the only things we’ve been taught to do and have been doing all of our lives. That’s the beauty in it and why it’s called surrender or just plain old letting go. Just give it up and take a breath.
I have learned through my own journey that this is the exact lessons that I have had to learn in order to get here. I would not change being here for anything. I have finally come home to who I know myself to be and know peace for the very first time. Something I wish for everyone and why it is my life’s purpose to share this with others.
Again, I know how difficult it is but it’s only difficult because of what we have learned. Now is the time to unlearn what no longer has anything to do with now and your future. If you have even questioned just once, you’re ready. And for some of us the timing could not be any better. It’s time to step into the higher version of you. You don’t need to know how to get there just know that you will. It’s time to make a leap of faith into the great expansion with all the love in your heart that knows without knowing that your higher self is waiting to catch you.
Now jump!
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