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Creating New Empowering Habits & Beliefs

by Andrea Kaye

Your beliefs create your reality. Your mindset shapes the world around you. What you believe, think & feel every day you create & become. Your personality creates your personal reality. The way you think, feel & act creates your perception & how you view the world around you. When we change our habits & beliefs we change how we experience life & what we create. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. 

Human beings are creatures of habit. We are running off of our unconscious programming on default day in & day out. Our subconscious mind is running the show. 60-70,000 thoughts every single day and 90% are the same thoughts over & over. Thoughts create emotions which release chemicals in our brain & we literally become addicted to our stinkin' thinkin'. 

A belief is simply a thought that we continue to think. You are not your thoughts or your beliefs. You are the awareness behind them. As we expand our self awareness we realize that our daily habits, decisions & actions create our future. To create a new future we must SHIFT our mindset, beliefs, thoughts, feelings and emotions to be in alignment so we can move forward in flow on the path of least resistance. We want brain and heart coherence. mind and body working together. A clear intention combined with an elevated emotion such as gratitude, makes us the magnet for magic and miracles. 

However, as the saying goes "old habits die hard". Old habits are hard to break. So how can we shift our habits & patterns of thinking, being,

& doing to be in alignment with our desires, goals & dreams? How can we become motivated to take consistent action to get 1% better every day? 

First we have to get crystal clear on a vision for our lives and make it out mission. We must find our WHY. What drives you? Then create a plan that will be your MAP. Your mind can either be a record of the past or a MAP to the future but we can't create a new future stuck in a familiar past. 

Stepping into your power, purpose and potential is about SHIFTING your identity and changing your beliefs and habits that aren't serving you. We do this by repeating new empowering beliefs to ourselves to begin to rewire our mental blocks. Then we take the aligned action & begin to create true change & transformation in our lives & simultaneously in the world. 

If we keep doing the same thing we've always done we're going to 

keep getting the same thing we've always got. It's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. To change your life you must change your mindset. 

If you are ready to get crystal clear on your vision and start doing the work to rewire your old limiting beliefs and create new empowering habits that will lead to your growth and success visit my LinkTree to

 get your FREE Miracle Action Plan 💫 

Hey I'm Andrea the Magnetic Momprenuer 🧲 I help you awaken to your divine soul truth, find your purpose and take your power back.

 I'm a 38 year old homebirthing, unschooling momprenuer of 4 from Pennsylvania Certified Magnetic Mind Coach specializing in Quantum Manifestation Spiritual Mindset & Holistic Wellness. I'm also a student

 at MIU for my bachelor's degree in consciousness & human potential. We are being dumbed down drugged up & disempowered & I am committed to helping others reach their full potential & SHIFTING the consciousness of humanity into the New Earth Paradigm. 

Connect with me on Facebook & let's make SHIFT happen 💪🏽 

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